
2011 Land Pricing and the Nonprofit Commons

On Monday, October 4th, we were alerted to a blog post by Nelson Linden announcing that Linden Lab would be removing the discounts provided to the non-profit and education sims. There were a lot of comments flooding into the blog post, and Twitter was abuzz with Second Lifers with their speculations.

We immediately sent out the following response to the news:

Parcels of Land

Tonight Frank gave a group of us a turorial on how to manage the land in our little community. Having never thought about what goes into managing a sim before, I was impressed by how well thought out the system actually is. I'll probably start out by using WESTAF as a guinea pig to reset the name and so forth, but once I've got it under my belt let me know if you, a tenant, needs help. I'm happy to see what I can do for you.

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Many thanks to Brownrice Internet for hosting the NPSL site.

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