
TechSoup's Nonprofit Commons and Beth Kanter in New York Times today!

The New York Times covered our group and project in today's NY Times. Here's the blurb about our group:

More than 30 nonprofits have opened offices in a virtual business incubator in Second Life called the Nonprofit Commons that is operated by TechSoup, a group that helps other nonprofits with technology.

Not bad for a lil' fledgling group like ourselves!

Change In Focus

In my intersection with other nonprofits through the NPSL group and on the TechSoup site I am expanding my focus to deal with emerging technologies in general and how they can be utilized by the nonprofit community as a whole.  My background is in the arts, so expect to continue to see some bias for that industry but my personal experiences over the last two years have shifted my sense of self toward social justice (although being Canadian probably has something to do with that too.)

Marketplaces and Web 2.0

Social networking sites are gathering places.  When they are successful, they build community.  That community can interact through chat, forums, blogs and comments, virtual environments, text messaging and wikis. 

Cool new free SL module allows you to post a SLurl to

What will those crazy hackers think of next? Bill Hax (his avatar name) has created a very cool gadget called Yummy.

Yummy will allow you tp post a SLurl to ( It is available at the SLexchange

Free avatar makeovers for cancer survivors

The Metaverse Messenger is proud to host Digital Do Overs: Survivor Edition

What is it?
In partnership with SL Relay For Life, the Metaverse Messenger Fashion Angels will be hosting 4 makeovers over the next several weeks of in-world cancer survivors. Makeovers will be chronicled in the M2 and featured in our weekly paper.


Fight Hunger video

Just a little funny bit that was in today's SF Chronicle

if you get the San Francisco Chron, check out Leah Garchik on page e8. If not, just look here:

from Public Eavesdropping

Public eavesdropping

"I have to hang up now. I'm in a business meeting for Second Life, and my avatar is speaking.''

-- Young woman on cell phone at work, overheard at Brannan Street tech company by Connie Champagne

Tagging Tutorials--Part II Blogs

Tagging on blogs can have multiple benefits.  The first is, if your blog is searchable, the tags prove to be a way for readers to find like content.  For example, on this blog (built on Drupal), if you click on a single tag it will return all results that match that tag.

Tagging Tutorials -- Part I Flickr

My next few posts will deal with tagging on different social networking sites. This first tutorial will focus on Flickr.

In all the social networking sites that you might post to, there is something in common--tagging. Simply put, tags are little pieces of data that let people know what your information--whether it be an image, a video, or text--is about. For example, you could tag a picture of the castle in Warwick, UK on Flickr with "Warwick castle UK England" and when someone searched on these criteria would have the following results returned:

Cancer Survivor's Wall of Fame in SL benefits the American Cancer Society

I participated in a very powerful event in-world today. Chablis Crabgrass put together a wall of fame, honoring cancer survivors. I am posing here with my split screen RL/SL photo as an honoree. In June, I will be 10 years in remission. This was a wonderful use of SL
The event benefitted SL Relay for Life


Many thanks to Brownrice Internet for hosting the NPSL site.

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