Kickoff Party for the opening of Kiva in Second Life's office in the Non Profit Commons Sim

Kiva has moved into the Non Profit Commons! We are located in office #23, in the top left of the sim. Our kick-off opening party will be:

Saturday January 5th, 2008, 10:30am-12noon

Tell all your friends!

Any new Kiva lender or anyone who makes a Kiva loan during the event can receive a Real Life kiva wristband.

The largest inworld Linden donation between 10:30-12 will relieve a 2008 Kivafriends Calendar .

The office is open now if you want to come by and have a peek. Hang out as long as you like!

You can see more pictures of the office at the Kiva Friends message board here


Many thanks to Brownrice Internet for hosting the NPSL site.