SLCC reports

I am back from SLCC and I am attempting to digest my 10 pages of notes into a readable and comprehensible format. I know that Rik Riel who is always ahead of the game has already written his report back from SLCC which you can read at his blog entry:

There are many images from the conference. Also, check the flickr tag SLCC07

We will be editing the audio and posting files for your listening pleasure here, but until then, please go to to see the slides.

Here are some initial thoughts on themes I heard:

  • The next level in virtual worlds: re-imaging, think conceptually about worlds, ask yourself what am I doing in SL that is different than what could be doing in RL? How is this able to be interacting with other web 2.0 technologies?
  • Multi-modality in communications, with mindmaps, facebook and SL, integrated what would it look like to integrate FB profiles with SL? The SL profiles do not allow for viral messaging and the profiles are not enough.
  • Connie Yowell said “in the next year we are going see 20 other virtual worlds, but SL has the community, the killer app.”
  • Let's re-think online community to use virtual worlds to support public interest
  • Virtual worlds are synchronous, multi-modal tools and they afford imagination, being able to make what is in your mind concrete, direct transfer btw imagination and production
  • What does leadership look like in a virtual world, a deeply experiential sense of leadership in virtual worlds. Great implications on learning about leadership in the real world.

    I found myslef thinking about how leading the Nonprofit Commons has been a meta-learning excercize in itself. i am learning about what I already do (lead online communities) as I do it. I am learning and leading at the same time. It was great to share frustrations and lessons learned with Lori Bell of Information Island. I will report more in a few days, after I unplug for a while.

    Here is my slideshow from the panel:


Many thanks to Brownrice Internet for hosting the NPSL site.