World AIDS Day events in Second Life December 1st


HIV/AIDS has affected all of us in deep and personal ways, and the race for a cure continues.  I am thinking about my friend John, a wonderful artist with the most biting wit, who passed away from AIDS-related health issues about four years ago now. 

December 1st is World AIDS Day, and there are a number of events happening in Second Life and well as of course in the real world. HealthInfo Island (click here to teleport) is sponsoring a number of activities around World AIDS Day starting at 9AM PST, including:

  • A Workshop on "Looking for Health: Finding Quality HIV/AIDS Information by Carolina Keat"
  • Special displays and newsfeeds on HIV/AIDS
  • An AIDS Walk with information about HIV/AIDS Support Groups in SL
  • Podcasts on AIDS by the Center for Disease Control in the Podcast Globe
  • A guided tour around the Island
  • Live coverage of the Teen Grid Event

In addition, DenmarkCopenhagen sim (click here to teleport) is hosting a fundraiser party from 2PM PST to raise money for the World AIDS Foundation. Their goal is to collect L$ 50,000 in one day, so come on by and drop some lindens in the bucket.

And for you teens out there, there will also be activities on the SL Teen Grid.

World AIDS Day

Please join us at HealthInfo Island for World AIDS Day 2007. Workshop will start 09.00 AM SL Time. There will be several Tours spread over the day, exact  times to follow. Please contact us if you want a tour with a special group. Place: Healthinfo Island (79, 111, 23) (click here to teleport)

Be sure to drop by HealthInfo Island for:

  • Special displays and newsfeeds on HIV/AIDS
  • AIDS Walk with information about HIV/AIDS Support Groups in SL
  • Podcasts on AIDS by the CDC in our Podcast Globe
  • Quality information resources, including search tools
  • Workshop on Looking for Health: Finding Quality HIV/AIDS Information by Carolina Keats
  • See what others are doing in SL on HIV/AIDS and Sexual Health
  • Guided tour around the Island
  • Live coverage of Teen Grid Event

Contact: Namro Orman or Carolina Keats
Organised by: the HealthInfo Island Groups: Consumer Health Library, SL Medical Library, Heron Sanctuary & Accessibility Center

Activities on Denmark Copenhagen Sim

December 1st, is the international AIDS day. A day to remember and
honour those we have lost to this terrible decise. But also a day to to
fight back, and try to stop HIV/AIDS in the world. In Denmark
Copenhagen (click here to teleport)
we will mark this day with lost of events, sales and partying. All in
support for the AIDS foundation. The goal is to collect 50.000 L$ in
one day, everything L$ will go to the AIDS foundation.  Come and help
us stop AIDS.

There will be donation jars to support the foundation. Party's will be
held with legal spoilers, where 25% of all polls will go to the
foundation. There will be a yard sale, where everybody can rent a stand
for 100 L$, all will go to the foundation. Huge Party  with Live DJ
from 2.00 PM PST in After Dark.


Many thanks to Brownrice Internet for hosting the NPSL site.