
Google Helps Nonprofits

Google has recently launched particular package of discounted and free apps, tools and services which are aimed at the nonprofit community, while for-profit companies, including the providers of no credit check loans, will have to buy them.

Some apps are really offered by Google at no cost for nonprofits, while others are provided with reduced price. Besides, these groups are allowed to use Google Earth in order to tell their story with the help of mapping technologies performed by Google and to visualize their cause.

Webinar: Online Collaboration Tools

I just attended TechSoup's latest free Webinar: Online Collaboration Tools, steamed live at the Plush amphitheater. Speakers were Jon Warnow from, Jay Boren & Ronald Ho from Google.

First, Jon talked about some of the tools his org relied upon to pull off large scale offline events. Last year they held 352 events in a sing day of action. Main points:

New Report! Nonprofits in Second Life: Promoting Causes Inside Second Life for Real World Impact has just published the latest study on the benefits, impact, challenges and opportunities of nonprofits in Second Life at:

Written by Anika Pastorelli (Sandy Bettger) of GCN, this report represents a collaborative effort among 12 nonprofits, TechSoup and NPC volunteers in capturing, analyzing and presenting the benefits and impact of nonprofits in a virtual world. We hope the study will help all nonprofits in SL to strengthen their rationale and strategy, promote their causes and achieve greater impact.

Promoting Causes Inside Second Life – For Real-World Impact

There is a fantastic, comprehensive report on the WIKI compiled and delivered by Anika Pastorelli (aka Sandra Bettger) called Nonprofits and Second Life: Promoting Causes Inside Second Life – For Real-World Impact.

NPC Nonprofit Awareness Night=A Great Success

What do you get when you have 65 NPO's, Live entertainment, dancing, and a whole bunch of people in the main square at NPC Aloft?
The answer..... an awesome Nonprofit Commons Awareness night!

SL singer Vienna James put on an amazing performance, helped promote our NPO's and toured the sim after her performance.

Dancing at Aloft Island Fun-Raiser

If you didn't make it to the SL event on May 17, please consider helping three worthy causes with one simple donation.

A higher quality video is available on YouTube

Nonprofits Celebrate New Home in Second Life: Nonprofit Commons Grand Opening

Event is tonight at 5:30pm, SLT/PDT! In case you can't get into the Plush Nonprofit Commons, the overflow sim is at SLurl:


Contact: Susan Tenby,
Phone: (415) 633-9333
SL avatar: Glitteractica Cookie

San Francisco Meets the Metaverse: 32 Nonprofits and their supporters will host a grand opening celebration Tuesday, August 14, 2007 at 5:30 p.m. PT/SLT, in their new locations at the Nonprofit Commons in Second Life.


Many thanks to Brownrice Internet for hosting the NPSL site.

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