Promoting Causes Inside Second Life – For Real-World Impact

There is a fantastic, comprehensive report on the WIKI compiled and delivered by Anika Pastorelli (aka Sandra Bettger) called Nonprofits and Second Life: Promoting Causes Inside Second Life – For Real-World Impact.

The report details the benefits of maintaining and operating a presence within Second Life and how it breaks down into real-life organizational missions. She's also included the challenges and future opportunities for nonprofits considering new technology and the shift of new audiences.

I personally think that this is a must-read for anyone considering a virtual presence for their nonprofit and look forward to reading it myself!

Thanks, Anika!


thanks for this!

obviously the product of a lot of work and consideration. Congrats on this report!

- rik

Great work Anika

Know you put a lot of time and effort into this, a very valuable doc for our community at the NPC and for potential newcomers to make their case to join. Thanks!

Most Non Profits do not have

Most Non Profits do not have the time nor the bandwidth to use second life .What Non profits need is a nice drupal site.


Many thanks to Brownrice Internet for hosting the NPSL site.