relay for life

Relay for Life Second Life

For the fourth consecutive year running, the American Cancer Society held their annual Relay for Life Second Life. 2008 was the most successful year yet for this virtual relay to raise funds to fight cancer.

Relay for Life returns to Second Life

Avatars representing survivors, caregivers, their families and the millions of passionate supporters engaged in fighting cancer worldwide will take center stage virtually, July 19-20, when the American Cancer Society conducts its fourth annual Relay For Life® event in the Second Life virtual world. The 2008 Relay in Second Life will celebrate the “heroes” who epitomize the Society’s global mission and who represent this summer’s virtual world event theme.

SLNN Profiles the American Cancer Society

The SLNN has a nice write-up about the American Cancer Society's activities in Second Life beyond the Relay for Life. It's a good summary of how an effective real world non-profit is learning now to leverage Second Life's strengths to reach their target audience and promote their cause. RC Moss of the ACS noted that, "Anyone who will be a success in SL has to understand SL the culture, the technology. Know what you as an NGO want to get out of your SL experience." Moss explained, "I always look to our RL success and imagine new ways to transfer programs and mission delivery into SL."

Read the whole article here.


Many thanks to Brownrice Internet for hosting the NPSL site.

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