Transcript of NPC Meeting on Federal Consortium for VWs on May 25 2012

At the last Nonprofit Commons meeting we featured a discussion about the Federal Consortium for Virtual Worlds conference that was from May 16-18. We featured several of our members who were speakers and participants there, and got a surprise visit by Paulette Robinson, head of the FCVW.

Read on for all of the chat and news...

May 25, 2012, 8:30am PST

Plush Nonprofit Commons Amphitheater


• 8:30am Introductions
• 8:40am TechSoup Announcements
• 8:45am Mentors Central
• 8:55am Recap of the Federal Consortium of Virtual Worlds Event
• 9:30am OpenMic/ Announcements


[08:31] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Welcome everyone to another great Nonprofit Commons meeting
[08:32] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Let's get started since we have a good number of folks here alraedy
[08:32] CarmenLittleFawn: Hello everybody :-)
[08:32] Buffy Beale: Hi Carmen :)
[08:32] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): I'm Rik Panganiban , community manger of the NPC, with
[08:32] Magic Pathfinder ;-): Hiya 01 Hifeng!
[08:32] 01 Hifeng: hello everyone xD
[08:32] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): I'm here with Susan Tenby, founder of the NPC and also with Techsoup
[08:32] Magic Pathfinder ;-): Hiya Kali Idziak!
[08:33] Jen (jenelle.levenque): /me waves
[08:33] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Its great to see everyone this morning!
[08:33] Buffy Beale: Hiya 01 :)
[08:33] Jen (jenelle.levenque): Thanks Zinnia
[08:33] Zinnia Zauber: Happy Towel Day!
[08:33] Eric Hackathorn (hackshaven.harford): you may have seen her from previous government activities like congressional hearings and the daily show
[08:33] Chimera Cosmos: Wait...Z isn't up here. I think I sat here too soon!
[08:33] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): We are going to be doing a wrap up later from the Federal Consortium for VWs
[08:33] Chimera Cosmos: *grin*
[08:33] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): But we've got some community business first.
[08:33] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): So let's do introductions
[08:33] Jen (jenelle.levenque): Bruce Hestley, Transgender American Veterans Association, Akron, OH,
[08:33] HB Eternal: Harold W Becker, The Love Foundation, Florida, @lovefoundation
[08:34] Chayenn: monique richert, protect yourself 1, Inc., Baltimore, MD , ,, @PY1US
[08:34] Magic Pathfinder (any1.gynoid): Magic Pathfinder (any1.gynoid), Faculty at New Citizens Inc (NCI), Teaching hands-on Artificial Intelligence and Pathfinding in Second Life - More Info:
[08:34] Zinnia Zauber: Renne Emiko Brock-Richmond, Sequim Humanities and Arts Alliance, Sequim, Olympic Peninsula, Washington. @renneemiko
[08:34] Eric Hackathorn (hackshaven.harford): Eric Hackathorn, NOAA
[08:34] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Please type into the text chat your real life name, organization, location on the earth, URL , and twitter handle. (only if you want to, if course.)
[08:34] Buffy Beale: Buffy Bye, Bridges for Women, Victoria BC Canada, @bridges4women
[08:34] Sister Abeyante: Sister Patrice Colletti, SDS Milwaukee, WI *** @SisterAbeyante *** @TechTips4Usds *** as well as a volunteer with Virtual Ability, Inc.
[08:34] Magic Pathfinder ;-): Hiya Zotarah Shepherd!
[08:34] alebez: Ale Bezdikian, Online Community Coordinator, TechSoup, SF, Ca. @TechSoup, @alebez
[08:34] Glitteractica Cookie: Hi, I'm Susan Tenby, Online Community and Social Media Director at TechSOup and NPC, San Francisco, CA USA
[08:34] Brena Benoir: Brenda Bryan, Preferred Family Healthcare, Kirksville, Missouri,, @brenabenoir
[08:34] Paulette Darkstone: Paulette Robinson
[08:34] Kali Idziak: Jessica Dally, Community Voice Mail, Seattle, WA @jessicadally @cvmnational
[08:34] Gentle Heron: Virtual Ability, Inc.
[08:34] Glitteractica Cookie: @suzboop @techsoup
[08:34] Magic Pathfinder ;-): Hiya Paulette Darkstone!
[08:34] Robo Mirabella: Robert V Gallant Amherst MA USA www.baguettesunlimited Virtual Ability Ambassador
[08:34] Eric Hackathorn (hackshaven.harford): hey paulette!
[08:35] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Rik Panganiban, Nonprofit Commons / TechSoup, Oakland CA, http://nonprofitcommons,org , @npsl and @betterverse
[08:35] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Holy cats, Paulette is here!
[08:35] Eric Hackathorn (hackshaven.harford): meow
[08:35] Chimera Cosmos: Liz Dorland - Washington U in St. Louis. College chem faculty for 35 years, now working with chemed and faculty development and social media/online communications. And virtual worlds stuff.
[08:35] Paulette Darkstone: Hey ERic
[08:35] Par (parhelion.palou): Roscoe Coltrane, TechSoup contractor & generic volunteer, north of Baltimore, MD, no twitter or website
[08:35] Zotarah Shepherd: BEACH College, Santa Rosa, CA
[08:35] CarmenLittleFawn: Executive Director of Drive by agony, California, Keeping Kids Safe Campaign nice to meet new faces and greet old friends
[08:35] Magic Pathfinder ;-): Hiya Dancers Yao!
[08:35] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): Jerry Buchko | Private Practice (via Telepresence) | Minneapolis-Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA | | @jerrybuchko
[08:36] Magic Pathfinder ;-): Hiya JANLyssa Serenity!
[08:37] Paulette Darkstone: Paulette Robinson Leader of Federal Consortium for Virtual Worlds, Associate Dean for Teaching Learning and Technology NDU iCOllege
[08:37] Chimera Cosmos: Yeah, better get out an extra stool Rik! heheh
[08:38] Glitteractica Cookie: Alebez and I will sit in the bleachers once the speakers arrive
[08:38] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): for sure
[08:38] Glitteractica Cookie: we just come up here at the beginning and end
[08:38] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): anymore intros?
[08:38] Magic Pathfinder ;-): Hiya Rhiannon Chatnoir!
[08:38] Magic Pathfinder ;-): Hiya Thynka Little!
[08:38] Magic Pathfinder ;-): Hiya Jadyn Firehawk!
[08:38] Buffy Beale: lol a1 with that little gadget nobody can slip in late
[08:39] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): any1, do you have a device on that is talking to people?
[08:39] Glitteractica Cookie: That Magic Pathfinder thing
[08:39] Glitteractica Cookie: what it is?
[08:39] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): its any1
[08:39] Glitteractica Cookie: what does it do
[08:39] Magic Pathfinder (any1.gynoid): my 8 line chatbot.. will not great anyone twice on same day
[08:39] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): it greets people apparently
[08:39] Glitteractica Cookie: ok... does it do anything else?
[08:39] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): maybe take it off please?
[08:39] Sister Abeyante: Just think of all the typing that saves!
[08:39] Chimera Cosmos: Interesting. I thought it was an NPC chatbot.
[08:39] Glitteractica Cookie: ha
[08:39] Eric Hackathorn (hackshaven.harford): auto-friendly. nice.
[08:40] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): ok we should move on....
[08:40] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): (thanks for the towel, zinnia btw)
[08:40] Chimera Cosmos: Now if it could read profiles and introduce us too...
[08:40] Chimera Cosmos: :-)
[08:40] Buffy Beale: :)
[08:40] Zinnia Zauber: You are welcome! Happy Towel Day!


[08:41] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): First up we have updates from, the founding org of the NPC
[08:41] Chimera Cosmos: Wow, this is just like a Metanomics reunion. Cool.
[08:41] jacmacaire Humby: Hi everyone
[08:41] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Who isgiving the update?
[08:41] Buffy Beale: Hi jac :)
[08:41] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): bienvenue, jac
[08:41] Glitteractica Cookie: Ale did Bulaklak send you bullets about the update
[08:41] alebez: he did not.
[08:42] Glitteractica Cookie: can you update the nice avatars about what we are working on this week and next
[08:42] jacmacaire Humby: Jacques Macaire HUMANBE Jacques Macaire HUMANBE ACTION TANK and Council on Sustainable Development France and International @Humanbe
[08:43] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): hi Bulaklak
[08:43] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): just in time
[08:43] bulaklak: Hey there
[08:43] Buffy Beale: hey bulaklak :)
[08:43] Glitteractica Cookie: We were worried
[08:44] Glitteractica Cookie: go ahead with yr update
[08:44] alebez: hi bulaklak...i was just going to go into upcomings, but take it away!
[08:44] bulaklak: Okay!
[08:45] bulaklak: So yesterday we had one of our guest tweeters take the help of @TechSoup. Her name is Crystal Schimpf and she's a librarian from Colorado. She sparked a great conversation about digital inclusion and how libraries provide tech access and training to communities.
[08:45] bulaklak: Please read the Storify here to see all the conversation and resources
[08:45] bulaklak:
[08:45] bulaklak: And speaking of Storify, we had Jeff Elder join us from Storify on Wednesday for the #OCTRIBE
[08:46] bulaklak: As some of you know who attended virtually
[08:46] bulaklak: sorry having some internet issues
[08:46] bulaklak: link is coming
[08:47] Glitteractica Cookie: I saw that Hiro from Japan was there virtually
[08:47] bulaklak: Here is a Storify of Jeff's talk (is that kind of meta?)
[08:47] bulaklak:
[08:47] Glitteractica Cookie: Jeff from Storify talked about what to do when your community gets angry and turns on you
[08:47] Glitteractica Cookie: it was a great topic
[08:47] Chimera Cosmos: youch
[08:47] Glitteractica Cookie: it was really interesting
[08:47] bulaklak: Argh really having connectivity issues sorry
[08:47] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): yeah that NEVER happens
[08:47] Chimera Cosmos: good for everyone to know
[08:47] bulaklak:
[08:47] Chimera Cosmos: heh
[08:48] Glitteractica Cookie: no worries. Poor bulaklak is taking a vacation day and he's still here, so no need to apologize!
[08:48] bulaklak: I've definitely been there!
[08:48] bulaklak: My trial by fire at TechSoup was a near-mutiny of our long-term forum hosts in my first month!
[08:48] bulaklak: A great learning experience, for sure.
[08:48] bulaklak: At any rate, here are the photos from Jeff's talk
[08:48] bulaklak:
[08:49] Buffy Beale: oh oh bulaklak glad you jumped high enough
[08:49] bulaklak: Susan Chavez, who you might remember from her talk on the Facebook timeline here a few months ago took the pictures and captured the Storify
[08:49] Chimera Cosmos: The Vision Thing (and different versions thereof) is always a potential problem. ;-)
[08:49] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): Wow, Crystal's Twitter post generated quite a bit of discussion... much more than I'd initially noticed.
[08:49] bulaklak: Yes! Crystal was a really GREAT guest tweeter
[08:49] bulaklak: So it sounds like Ale has the upcoming events updates on tap
[08:49] bulaklak: Ale?
[08:50] alebez: oh, you got it. I'll wait till we have more info.
[08:50] bulaklak: Okie doke.
[08:50] bulaklak: Thanks, folks! More next week.
[08:50] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): thanks bulaklak
[08:50] Chayenn: thank you Bulaklak
[08:50] CarmenLittleFawn: Thank you :-)
[08:50] Buffy Beale: thanks bulaklak
[08:50] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): always great intel for our nonprofits
[08:51] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): speaking of great intel. if you want to stay in hte know about what is happening in the NPC and beyond, here are all the relevant links on the internet....
[08:51] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Here are the many ways to can get involved with the Nonprofit Commons in Second Life:

Nonprofit Commons blog:

Google Group:
Google Calendar:

About TechSoup:

Weekly Networking Event: Wharf Ratz, Aloft, Tuesdays, 7-9pm SLT

Monthly Networking Event (3rd Thursday):
Common Ground, Plush, 5PM-7PM SLT
[08:52] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): (I know, its a lot)


[08:52] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Okay lets move on to mentors central
[08:52] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Who speaks for our Mentors today?
[08:52] Zinnia Zauber: Thank you Rik!
[08:52] Zinnia Zauber: We had Sar lined up to share with us about Pinterest.
[08:53] Zinnia Zauber: But, I don't see her inworld.
[08:53] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): hmmm
[08:53] Zinnia Zauber: So this may be a chance to encourage folks to visit us Mentors.
[08:53] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): right!
[08:53] Zinnia Zauber: First, I wanted to wish everyone at Happy Towel Day!
[08:53] Par (parhelion.palou): The mentors get lonely
[08:53] Zinnia Zauber: If you don't know what that is...
[08:54] Zinnia Zauber: Then maybe you need to know where your towel is.
[08:54] Zinnia Zauber: It is in honor of the author Douglas Adams.
[08:54] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): So like a good towel, the Mentors are here to help in any situation
[08:54] Zinnia Zauber: I was pleased to meet him and make him laugh.
[08:54] Ozma Malibu: ooh! you did?
[08:54] Zinnia Zauber: He was a wonderful advocate of tech.
[08:54] Zinnia Zauber: Yes yes
[08:55] Zinnia Zauber: He was very tall.
[08:55] Zinnia Zauber: lol
[08:55] Zinnia Zauber: I gave him a babel fish to stick in his ear.
[08:55] Ozma Malibu: where did you meet him?
[08:55] Buffy Beale: lol Z
[08:55] Chimera Cosmos: Hitchhikers
[08:55] Zinnia Zauber: At Powells Bookstore in Portland OR.
[08:55] Zinnia Zauber:
[08:56] Chimera Cosmos: (or is there only one h...)
[08:56] Zinnia Zauber: The reason I bring him up
[08:56] Zinnia Zauber: is that he had a vision of what could be.
[08:56] Ozma Malibu: I always travel with a towel when I travel. Thanks to him.
[08:56] Zinnia Zauber: And, really we all carry devices that saw far far far ahead.
[08:56] Ozma Malibu: well, that too.
[08:56] Zinnia Zauber: We are like him, creating the future.
[08:57] Zinnia Zauber: How many of you have read his work?
[08:57] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): Yup
[08:57] Par (parhelion.palou): /me puts hand up
[08:57] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): /me hands up
[08:57] Gentle Heron: oh yes!
[08:57] Zinnia Zauber: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
[08:57] CarmenLittleFawn: I will now
[08:57] Zinnia Zauber: I encourage you all to.
[08:57] Namaara MacMoragh: definitely... all of the books... with my sone
[08:57] Jen (jenelle.levenque): It was a series on TV also
[08:57] Jen (jenelle.levenque): For us "old folk"
[08:57] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): He's a treat to read. Has a great way with words...
[08:57] Zinnia Zauber: He is my favorite author by far.
[08:57] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): anyway.....
[08:58] Zinnia Zauber: I still have the computer game from the 1980s.
[08:58] Zinnia Zauber: So, as I said, Mentors are here to help you
[08:58] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): let's bring this back to the NPC please
[08:58] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): as much as I love Douglas Adams
[08:58] Zinnia Zauber: Just like the The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is here to guide you.
[08:58] Zinnia Zauber: Please join us after this meeting for help or contact us.
[08:59] Zinnia Zauber: We know the answer!
[08:59] Zinnia Zauber: Thank you!
[08:59] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): there ya go
[08:59] Chimera Cosmos: Towel Day. I always learn cool stuff in SL.
[08:59] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): on a related note, can welcome hiFeng as the newest tenant of the NPC?
[08:59] Zinnia Zauber: I can always bring around! ;)
[09:00] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Hifeng, can you introduce your group in a quick sentence?
[09:00] Glitteractica Cookie: Agree, let's please bring this conversation back on topic. Thanks Rik
[09:00] Jen (jenelle.levenque): Welcome Hifeng
[09:00] jacmacaire Humby: Bienvenue.. :)
[09:00] 01 Hifeng: oh, oh, sorry, i was afk
[09:00] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): np
[09:01] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): tell the nice folks who you are representing as our newest member
[09:01] 01 Hifeng: ok, so...
[09:01] 01 Hifeng: i'm Kesja Plecha, president of Blueberry Dreams Foundation
[09:01] 01 Hifeng: we're doing immunity and cancer research
[09:01] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): nice
[09:01] 01 Hifeng: i'll paste from notecard, give me a sec
[09:02] 01 Hifeng: ok, that's research we're doing right now:
[09:02] 01 Hifeng: Blueberry Dreams research // Project 1 - Therapy for patients with low immunity We're developing therapy involving lifestyle change, dietary changes, medicines and herbs. Project 2 - skin cancer treatment We're working on drug that would be absorbed through skin and remove skin cancers. Tissue would slowly change color until it would have natural skin color and melanoma would get absorbed. Since our subjects have various skin abnormalities we're testing our medicine on melanoma, skin cancer on breast (not lump inside), nevi near thyroid, capillary haemangioma and benign nevis.
[09:03] 01 Hifeng: that'd be it :)
[09:03] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): woah
[09:03] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): that's really great
[09:03] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): wow
[09:03] CarmenLittleFawn: yes it is
[09:03] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): we'll have to have you back to talkmore about that in detail soon!
[09:03] Rhiannon Chatnoir: great stuff! Are involved with the actual research, you personally and the nonprofit?
[09:03] 01 Hifeng: xD
[09:03] 01 Hifeng: yes
[09:04] 01 Hifeng: actually i was very ill
[09:04] 01 Hifeng: and started doing research on myself
[09:04] 01 Hifeng: and that's how my adventure with science began
[09:04] CarmenLittleFawn: :-))
[09:04] 01 Hifeng: later i opened a foundation with my sister
[09:04] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): I'm sure it's an inspiring story
[09:04] Rhiannon Chatnoir: thanks


[09:04] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): but for now let's move on to our featured topic....
[09:05] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): the Federal Consortium for Virtual worlds!
[09:05] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): A number of us attended their last conference, which was streamed inworld and was held in DC
[09:05] Zinnia Zauber: Thank you Rik!
[09:05] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): So we thought it would good to share some knowledge about what happend with the rest of the community
[09:05] Zinnia Zauber: I would love to have my peeps join me down here please.
[09:05] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): But I see Paulette is here, head of the FCVW
[09:06] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Perhaps I could ask her to say a few words about what the consortium is ?
[09:06] Zinnia Zauber: Yes yes! Paulette thank you for joining us!
[09:06] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): I know her time is short
[09:06] Paulette Darkstone: sure
[09:06] Chimera Cosmos: Yes, and some others who attended too! Cool.
[09:06] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Feel free to come down or type from up there
[09:06] Paulette Darkstone: The FCVW started with 5 -- Eric was one of them
[09:06] Gentle Heron: Thanks Paulette for coming today.
[09:06] Eric Hackathorn (hackshaven.harford): :)
[09:06] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): /me waves to eric
[09:06] Paulette Darkstone: It has over 3,000 members from govt, business and academia
[09:07] Paulette Darkstone: We are trying to solve using virtual worlds in govt
[09:07] Paulette Darkstone: sahre best practices
[09:07] Paulette Darkstone: and give each other support
[09:07] Buffy Beale: wow that's great 01
[09:07] Paulette Darkstone: The conference has been going now for 5 years and is predominately sponsored by the iCollege
[09:08] Paulette Darkstone: It does not have its own funding
[09:08] Paulette Darkstone: we have it at NDU because we can use facilities free
[09:08] Paulette Darkstone: What was not transmitted were the 25 poster sessions and the conference workshops
[09:09] Paulette Darkstone: the live stream has become critical and the interactions into 5 virtual worlds
[09:09] Paulette Darkstone: Still getting data on attendance virtually
[09:09] Paulette Darkstone: Randy Hinriearchs and I built the program this y
[09:09] Paulette Darkstone: year
[09:10] Paulette Darkstone: I thought it did a nice job of setting the stage and applied uses\
[09:10] Paulette Darkstone: Am interested in what everyone else things
[09:10] Paulette Darkstone: thinks
[09:10] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): I attended virtually this year and thought it was a really rich experience.
[09:10] Paulette Darkstone: Eric do you want to add anything
[09:10] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Sounds like a really ambitious conference on a limited budget!
[09:10] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): Outstanding keynotes.
[09:10] Eric Hackathorn (hackshaven.harford): I think that's a great summary. wish more of you could come in person, but I know travel is hard.
[09:11] Paulette Darkstone: yes we have a little money from vendor sponsorship to pay for speaker tracel
[09:11] Paulette Darkstone: travel
[09:11] Eric Hackathorn (hackshaven.harford): the video stream is amazing and the inworld activity is fun to watch
[09:11] Eric Hackathorn (hackshaven.harford): but a lot of stuff happens in small groups too :)
[09:11] Paulette Darkstone: The networking is teh best part
[09:11] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): Would love to see more blended reality synchronous interaction.
[09:11] Thynka Little: as conferences go, the cost was relatively low
[09:12] DyVerse Jeffery-Steele (dyverse): nods at Jerry
[09:12] Paulette Darkstone: It basically covers food and some admin costs
[09:12] Eric Hackathorn (hackshaven.harford): Paulette got us wireless internet this year. huge bonus. :)
[09:12] Thynka Little: i swaved money by staying out in Virginia somewhere
[09:12] Paulette Darkstone: we would give it away free if we had the money
[09:12] Thynka Little: saved*
[09:12] Chimera Cosmos: It was great to have the in-world view up on the wall in DC too.
[09:12] Chimera Cosmos: I was able to go in with Pocket Metaverse on my iPad. And Sicily went in on Android, right?
[09:12] Sicily Zapatero: Yes!
[09:13] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Paulette, before you ahve to go, can you give us some idea of what the government perspective on virtual worlds as a technology is lately? Who are the main interested agencies and departments?
[09:13] Chimera Cosmos: Mixed mixed reality. heheh
[09:13] Sicily Zapatero: Bilocation!
[09:13] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): I presume DOD, NASA, Smithsonian?
[09:13] Paulette Darkstone: THis is the first year I have reason to hope
[09:13] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): NOAA?
[09:13] Thynka Little: Woud be nice to have teleportation from the hotels enabled. Traffic there is wicked!
[09:13] Rhiannon Chatnoir: having organized events such as SLCC, can completely understand the costs associated with hosting a immersive physical and virtual event simultaneously
[09:13] Paulette Darkstone: The DoD Virtual Worlds Framework shows promise if we can get it hosted in a non-profit for open source deveopment
[09:14] Sarvana Haalan: Had a bit of difficult getting in-world...
[09:14] Chimera Cosmos: I really appreciate the low admission price. So many conferences are just out of sight.
[09:14] Chimera Cosmos: Hi Sally/Sarvana!
[09:14] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): The metro rail system in DC is awesome...
[09:14] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): (DoD is "department of defense" btw)
[09:14] Paulette Darkstone: The NTER Project in DOE is promising for across goverment
[09:14] Sicily Zapatero: Cost was truly reasonable.
[09:14] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): ... if you're looking to avoid the traffic.
[09:14] Glitteractica Cookie: We have someone from the DOD in our 11am meeting today, if you give me speficis, i supose i could ask if he knows anyone doing VW work
[09:14] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): focus, people, focus....
[09:14] Thynka Little: The food was super good.
[09:14] Eric Hackathorn (hackshaven.harford):
[09:14] Chimera Cosmos: I took the metro and then bus from Waterfront both days.
[09:14] Eric Hackathorn (hackshaven.harford): btrw
[09:15] Eric Hackathorn (hackshaven.harford): standards based virtual worlds in your web browser
[09:15] GuruTapas.comFREEsites4Authors (lisaschaefer.ruby): I live on the orange line, so the walk from L'Enfant Plaza was pleasant
[09:15] Glitteractica Cookie: where was the physicallocation of te conf again?
[09:16] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): (please can we talk about the DC metro later)
[09:16] Zinnia Zauber: I believe that it meant so much to all of us who were there in person to have you guys join us.
[09:16] Thynka Little: National Defense University
[09:16] Paulette Darkstone: We are discussing it and will have to group get back to the grou
[09:16] Paulette Darkstone: group
[09:16] Sicily Zapatero: This was my second year attending. I enjoyed it immensely.
[09:17] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): @Paulette, Do you think we could see more synchronous interaction built in for virtual attendees in the future?
[09:17] Zinnia Zauber: Paulette, do you feel the theme was "We are all in this together"
[09:17] Paulette Darkstone: next year and conferences govt wide are being closely controlled because of GSA scandal
[09:17] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): I'm sure
[09:17] Paulette Darkstone: that has always been the direction of the group
[09:17] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): so a low cost mixed reality conference might be MORE attractive
[09:17] Paulette Darkstone: this year the theme was convergence
[09:17] Thynka Little: attendance in world seemed quite good
[09:17] Zinnia Zauber: I really felt that we need to support each other and cheer on as a whole.
[09:18] Paulette Darkstone: we have a mixed reality conference now :-)
[09:18] Paulette Darkstone: free to anyone online who wanted to participate
[09:18] Thynka Little: I loved following the SL chat from the auditorium
[09:18] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): I mean for other government agencies like GSA
[09:18] Paulette Darkstone: took questions via twitter
[09:18] Paulette Darkstone: yes
[09:18] Sicily Zapatero: It is truly wonderful to be among so many who appreciate and utilize Virtual Worlds.
[09:18] Zinnia Zauber: It was really wonderful to see how we interacted in person and inworld.
[09:19] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): While Paulette is here, is there anything else you would like to share with her about the conference she might like to know?
[09:19] Paulette Darkstone: we still have alot to learn
[09:19] Paulette Darkstone: thanks I would like to hear
[09:19] Glitteractica Cookie: I have to jump out to another TechSoup meeting, and so does Alebez, but we will see u all next week. Very interesting stuff abou tthis conference
[09:19] Paulette Darkstone: thanks
[09:19] Thynka Little: There should be a coffee spot closer to the auditorium
[09:19] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): /me waves to glitter
[09:19] CarmenLittleFawn: bye Glitter
[09:19] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Thynka, LOL
[09:19] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): bye Glitter
[09:19] Thynka Little: really!
[09:20] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): coffee at conferences is critical!
[09:20] Eric Hackathorn (hackshaven.harford): fun photos btw :)
[09:20] Chimera Cosmos: Heh. It got us some exercise anyhow.
[09:20] Thynka Little: that building is really loooooong
[09:20] Zinnia Zauber: Thank you!
[09:20] Chimera Cosmos: Great to see you Paulette
[09:20] Zinnia Zauber: Thank you Paulette for sharing with us!
[09:20] CarmenLittleFawn: Thank you Paulette
[09:20] Paulette Darkstone: Thanks
[09:20] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): anything else on the organization of the conference?
[09:21] Buffy Beale: great info Paulette thanks
[09:21] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Or should wemove on to some of the major items discussed?
[09:21] Thynka Little: can you replicate the poster session in world next time?
[09:21] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): I'd love a text chat dump of relevant projects and links that we can look up later
[09:21] Paulette Darkstone: I am off to another meeting thanks for the input everyone
[09:21] Eric Hackathorn (hackshaven.harford): take care Paulette :)
[09:21] Zinnia Zauber: Thank you Paulette!
[09:21] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): we'll get back to you with the transcript paulette
[09:21] Thynka Little: bye Paulette!
[09:21] Zinnia Zauber: We will share with you as well!
[09:22] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): thanks so much for coming!
[09:22] GuruTapas.comFREEsites4Authors (lisaschaefer.ruby): Thanks for your talk, Paulette
[09:22] Buffy Beale: take care Paulette thanks
[09:22] Sicily Zapatero: /me waves to Paulette. Thank you!
[09:22] Paulette Darkstone: thanks everyone
[09:22] Eric Hackathorn (hackshaven.harford): there are a lot of projects... have people seen the agenda, workshops, and posters?
[09:22] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): So who was physically there in DC for the event?
[09:22] Zinnia Zauber: Paulette and her staff were amazing.
[09:23] Eric Hackathorn (hackshaven.harford): you may want to pick and choose what warrents discussion...
[09:23] GuruTapas.comFREEsites4Authors (lisaschaefer.ruby): I went to the event last year
[09:23] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Zinnia, Sarvana, and Coughran, right?
[09:23] Eric Hackathorn (hackshaven.harford): I was
[09:23] Chimera Cosmos: Everyone who was in DC should come up here so we can match avatars to human avatars that we met. :-)
[09:23] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): and ERic of course
[09:23] Zinnia Zauber: Chimera
[09:23] Eric Hackathorn (hackshaven.harford): I have to move?
[09:23] Eric Hackathorn (hackshaven.harford): laaaaazy
[09:23] Chimera Cosmos: I see quite a few more!
[09:23] Thynka Little: i ws
[09:23] Sicily Zapatero: Yes...Please join us up front!
[09:23] Chimera Cosmos: avatars don't use many calories Eric
[09:23] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): yeah come on down
[09:23] Zinnia Zauber: We had 16 grads and students from the UW Virtual World Program.
[09:23] Chimera Cosmos: and Thynka
[09:24] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): zinnia, wow!
[09:24] Chimera Cosmos: and Sarvana
[09:24] Chimera Cosmos: and...
[09:24] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): so what else did you guys want to share about the FCVW that we should know about?
[09:24] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): I see these pretty pictures behind me
[09:24] Zinnia Zauber: Chimera, would you like to share first?
[09:24] Nany (nany.kayo): uh oh
[09:25] Chimera Cosmos: Do you have a specific question to address?
[09:25] Eric Hackathorn (hackshaven.harford): you went to the video game exhibit -- awesome
[09:25] Chimera Cosmos: So much went on!
[09:25] Eric Hackathorn (hackshaven.harford): I *highly* recommend it
[09:25] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): I am absolutely dying to see that exhibit
[09:25] Chimera Cosmos: Yes, I did. At the Smithsonian American Museum of Art
[09:25] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): but is that relevant to us here today?
[09:25] Chimera Cosmos: And Jesse Schell, one of the keynote speakers, was featured prominently
[09:25] Chimera Cosmos: Zinnia saw it too the next day
[09:26] Zinnia Zauber: He was one of my favorites.
[09:26] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): who is that?
[09:26] Chimera Cosmos: Rik, what question would you like us to address?
[09:26] Eric Hackathorn (hackshaven.harford): I find the connection of gaming and virtual worlds highly relevant
[09:26] Zinnia Zauber: Jesse Schell
[09:26] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): what are the key things that people who weren't there should know about
[09:26] Zinnia Zauber: Yes, Eric!
[09:26] Gentle Heron: highly relevant, but sometimes misleading
[09:26] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): i.e. projects launching, opportunities to know about, events coming up, people to check out, etc
[09:26] Zinnia Zauber: That is why they took my workshop.
[09:26] Chimera Cosmos: One is definitely the connection between gaming and education and non-profits and gov and all.
[09:27] Zinnia Zauber: Authentic Avatar – Inspiring Trust with Your Virtual Identity
[09:27] Chimera Cosmos: And also the cognitive psychology area.
[09:27] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): what is that?
[09:27] Thynka Little: A lot of virtual world things are happening out of the public eye
[09:27] Chimera Cosmos: Jim Blascovich, the co-author of Infinite Reality was one of the speakers.
[09:27] Thynka Little: esp in gov
[09:27] Eric Hackathorn (hackshaven.harford): if folks are interested the White House launched a related initiative called the "Federal Games Guild" in November, there was a meeting the same time as the FCVW workshops
[09:27] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): he's good. we've had him here before
[09:27] Chimera Cosmos: He's a cog psy prof from UC Santa Barbara I think.
[09:27] Gentle Heron: Chimera, please say more.
[09:27] Zinnia Zauber: So many of the speakers discussed the blend of real and inworld. All of it in our brains.
[09:28] Sicily Zapatero: I think there is sometimes a problem with semantics. We spend so much time explaining that what we do in Virtual Worlds is not just "a game", so understanding that using gaming principles is enriching can be confusing to those not familiar with the envoronment
[09:28] Eric Hackathorn (hackshaven.harford): +21 Sicily
[09:28] Eric Hackathorn (hackshaven.harford): well plus 1, but the theory holds
[09:28] Gentle Heron: /me agrees with Sicily
[09:28] Chimera Cosmos: Jim's co-author is Jeremy Bailenson, Stanford prof who did the experiments on the lasting effects of virtual experiences had by avatars on their human counterparts after they leave the virtual space.
[09:29] Chimera Cosmos: Agree with Sicily too. The interaction of gaming and psychology are also key.
[09:29] Chimera Cosmos: And how we learn in virtual worlds too. Using games and virtual spaces for learning was a key topic.
[09:29] CarmenLittleFawn: is very interesting I am sure of that on a psychological level
[09:29] Zinnia Zauber: We saw that in healthcare, education, and training.
[09:30] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): If you missed the conference entirely but are intrigued, there's a Livestream video archive of most of the keynotes & panels here:
[09:30] Chimera Cosmos: Yes, the broad applications, with education and learning and community cutting across almost everything.
[09:30] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Who were some of the main government agencies and groups that are doing cool things to know about?
[09:30] CarmenLittleFawn: Thank you Jerry
[09:30] Zinnia Zauber: Engagement and memory of our engagement.
[09:30] Chimera Cosmos: Yes, and if you google the speakers, you'll find a ton of info.
[09:30] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): And are there people we could invite to come speak here?
[09:31] Chimera Cosmos: Likely.
[09:31] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): I'm asking you guys for your recommendations though, since you are here
[09:31] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): and I'm lazy. LOL.
[09:31] Eric Hackathorn (hackshaven.harford): :)
[09:31] CarmenLittleFawn: lol
[09:31] Zinnia Zauber: I think there are several people we would delight in inviting.
[09:31] Eric Hackathorn (hackshaven.harford): I think Doug Maxwell from DOD would be interesting on his work in OpenSim
[09:31] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): @Carmen, You're welcome. There's really good stuff in there. I'd highly recommend taking the time to check them out.
[09:32] Chimera Cosmos: And Coughran was on one of the panels, as you regulars likely know.
[09:32] Sicily Zapatero: Doug is wonderful to speak with and listen to
[09:32] Zinnia Zauber: yes
[09:32] Eric Hackathorn (hackshaven.harford): the grid is called MOSES he also has another VW technology that is based in the Unreal Engine called EDGE
[09:32] CarmenLittleFawn: I will Thank you
[09:32] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): I think we've hadpeople from MOSES here already
[09:32] Chimera Cosmos: Yes, and Pam Broviak was there.
[09:32] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): and possibly Doug
[09:33] Eric Hackathorn (hackshaven.harford): Daniel Laughlin from NASA and his work with Moonbase Alpha and the new MMO they are working on would be fun
[09:33] Zinnia Zauber: Don't you feel like there was a message of hope, like Paulette said.
[09:33] Chimera Cosmos: Kay McClennan. She works on her own Tulane grid and also with MOSES
[09:33] Chimera Cosmos: She was on a panel.
[09:33] Eric Hackathorn (hackshaven.harford): FYI, Moonbase Alpha is a game that can be downloaded via STEAM for PC and Mac users
[09:33] Chimera Cosmos: Kay is her RL name though...trying to remember avatar name...
[09:33] Ozma Malibu: And MOSES has changed a lot, hasn't it? So an update would be great.
[09:33] Eric Hackathorn (hackshaven.harford): I'd be happy to share what we are up to... but that feels like self appointment :)
[09:34] Zinnia Zauber: Wonderful Eric!
[09:34] Zinnia Zauber: Book him, Dano!
[09:34] Gentle Heron: /me would nominate Eric if he feels shy (which I doubt)
[09:34] Chimera Cosmos: MOSES has an impressive mix of backgrounds of participants.
[09:34] Zinnia Zauber: How many of you would like to attend more events like this inworld?
[09:35] Buffy Beale: I would
[09:35] Robo Mirabella: Moi!
[09:35] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): Definitely!
[09:35] Zinnia Zauber: How many of you think being in person is important?
[09:35] Eric Hackathorn (hackshaven.harford): Tami Griffith should come talk about the Federal Virtual World Challenge
[09:35] CarmenLittleFawn: I would also
[09:35] Zinnia Zauber: Great idea!
[09:35] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): DougMaxwell spokelast september
[09:35] Buffy Beale: I don't think it's as important although I miss the free coffee :)
[09:35] Eric Hackathorn (hackshaven.harford): ah figures :)
[09:35] Chimera Cosmos: I think it's great if you can. It enhances the virtual connection, but the virtual is more practical in the long run.
[09:36] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Tami is great
[09:36] Zinnia Zauber: That seemed to be a discussion as well, that mix of both.
[09:36] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): Being in person is good too... but with telepresence tech that's already in place we could have some of the best of both.
[09:36] Rhiannon Chatnoir: I think there is always something magical to meeting someone in physical space that have collaborated with or know virtually
[09:37] Zinnia Zauber: How many of you have met your virtual peeps?
[09:37] CarmenLittleFawn: :-)
[09:37] Eric Hackathorn (hackshaven.harford): Elizabeth McKenna could talk about vGov
[09:37] Rhiannon Chatnoir: /me raises hand
[09:37] CarmenLittleFawn: not me yes
[09:37] Eric Hackathorn (hackshaven.harford): ok, I'm done now
[09:37] Chimera Cosmos: I like meeting in person, especially when I already know the avatar. Using telepresence for my RL person is not my favorite thing though. heheh
[09:37] Sicily Zapatero: Meeting others in the physical world after having met and worked with them inworld, is a true testament to the validity of virtual trust
[09:37] CarmenLittleFawn: yet*
[09:37] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): Would have been fun to sit down to lunch or coffee talk with some of the attendees on site via a google hangout session for example...
[09:37] Zinnia Zauber: You have a great list, Eric. Thank you!
[09:37] Zinnia Zauber: Right, trust.
[09:37] Zinnia Zauber: That was also a theme of the event.
[09:37] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Eric you rock thanks
[09:37] Rhiannon Chatnoir: I have met quite a few of the avatars here at this meeting at one event or another :)
[09:37] Chimera Cosmos: Yes Sicily, exactly. You already know each other just as well as meeting in person.
[09:37] Thynka Little: i like that idea Jerry!
[09:38] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): @Thynka, Me too... would really bridge the experience.
[09:38] Zinnia Zauber: There was that balance of open and need to be sure.
[09:38] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Soyeah anything wecan do to bridge what is happening in the government world and the nonprofit world I think is of mutual benefit
[09:39] Zinnia Zauber: I got to meet people that I have been working with for 4+ years for the first time.
[09:39] Zinnia Zauber: I encourage, if possible, to meet people.
[09:39] Chimera Cosmos: There were a number of attendees in DC who would not have come if it was only virtual, and I think there is great value in introducing them to the idea of using VWs in that way.
[09:39] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): What is the most exciting area being worked on related to virtual worlds right now, in your opinion?
[09:39] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): @Thynka, From my experience of the discussions that happened inworld, the virtual participants would have a great deal to contribute to the interactions & discussions if given more opportunity.
[09:39] Zinnia Zauber: To build bonds in other social media as well.
[09:39] Sicily Zapatero: Convergence!
[09:40] Zinnia Zauber: We need to connect in all spaces.
[09:40] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): @Zinnia, Yes, I don't see the issue as either/or.
[09:40] Eric Hackathorn (hackshaven.harford): I'm excited to see the use of game mechanics and technologies in virtual world applications
[09:40] Thynka Little: I think we need to laugh more. I'd like to see Paulette add a VW Bloopers storytelling event during the social hour
[09:40] Chimera Cosmos: Yes, about half of my Facebook friends are avatars, and there is a lot of communication that goes on there.
[09:40] Zinnia Zauber: Yes, more engagement.
[09:40] Chimera Cosmos: And twitter too.
[09:41] Rhiannon Chatnoir: yes
[09:41] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): any last comments about FCVW before we move on?
[09:41] Zinnia Zauber: I just want to say, thank you for this chance to share with you all.
[09:41] Chimera Cosmos: Yes, the person running SL clearly was not experienced in terms of helping to bring the avatars into the conversation -- or even into view at times!
[09:41] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): here's the URL btw
[09:42] CarmenLittleFawn: Thank you Zinnia
[09:42] Chimera Cosmos: But that was partly from a shortage of people to do things I expect.
[09:42] Zinnia Zauber: I am pleased that you could join us there and inworld.
[09:42] Chimera Cosmos: All were multitasking.
[09:42] Zinnia Zauber: The connections we make are bonds that build communities that will change the world.
[09:42] CarmenLittleFawn: :-)
[09:42] Rhiannon Chatnoir: yes it takes a lot of manpower to run an event.. and having a real and virtual combined event in essence doubles your attentions of what needs to be happening
[09:42] Chimera Cosmos: Great photos Zinnia
[09:42] Zinnia Zauber: Thank you for being part of it all!
[09:42] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): thanks Zinnia, Chimera, Sicily, Eric and others for helping fill in those of use who weren't able to attend FCVWs
[09:43] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): It was a great experience to attend virtually and be able to discuss the various topics with other folks inworld. Would highly recommend the experience.
[09:43] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): if there are other links to cool projects and people, feel free to share later
[09:43] Zinnia Zauber: We have lots of pros in our NPC community.


[09:43] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Ok lets move on to our final agenda item: Open Mic
[09:44] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): who has announcements for the community? Indicate it in the chat and I'll call on you
[09:44] Buffy Beale: thanks for all the info on the conference sounds like a not-to-be-missed event
[09:44] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): for sure
[09:44] Gentle Heron: Thanks everyone for sharing about this larger community.
[09:45] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): super helpful thanks
[09:45] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): any announcements?
[09:45] Jen (jenelle.levenque): Raises Hand
[09:45] CarmenLittleFawn: really enjoyed it
[09:45] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Go ahead Jen
[09:45] Jen (jenelle.levenque): TAVA is looking for a webmaster to rework our site. If anyone is interested please contact me inworld or
[09:46] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): very good. Web gurus take note.
[09:46] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Anyone else?
[09:46] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Going once....
[09:46] Buffy Beale: A comment
[09:46] Buffy Beale: :)
[09:46] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): go buffy
[09:46] Buffy Beale: SL9B is coming up so we need to think about our NPC booth
[09:47] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): what is the date?
[09:47] Buffy Beale: maybe we can talk about that at the mentors
[09:47] Buffy Beale: applications close June 3
[09:47] Par (parhelion.palou): It's a privately run event this year ... no Linden involvement
[09:47] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): yeah I heard
[09:47] Eric Hackathorn (hackshaven.harford): facinating...
[09:47] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): not sure how I feel about it
[09:47] Par (parhelion.palou): Lindens have pretty much left the building
[09:48] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Its good in some ways
[09:48] Buffy Beale: I thought it was good exposure for the NPC but it takes work to build the exhibit, which Zinnia and Brena have done in the past
[09:48] Gentle Heron: I think the question is: Is NPC part of the broader SL community? That's how my Board looks at participation in SL9B this year. We're part of SL, so we should participate.
[09:48] Buffy Beale: and no doubt Par had his hand in it :)
[09:48] Eric Hackathorn (hackshaven.harford): You know those stories where renters get kicked out of their apartments because the landlord didn't pay the mortage? I feel that way every time I log into SL.
[09:49] Gentle Heron: /me is sorry you feel that way, Eric. Perhaps it's time to run this place as a co-op.
[09:49] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): its important to try and take part, even if in a limited wa
[09:49] Zinnia Zauber: I think we need to know what our message is and if we have time.
[09:49] Eric Hackathorn (hackshaven.harford): agreed Rik. It's great to see this community.
[09:50] Zinnia Zauber: Because there isn't a theme, we have created those books and I thought that would be a starting point.
[09:50] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): okay we can talk more at mentors about this
[09:50] Chimera Cosmos: Gentle, your community is very much at the heart of the core SL community. For sure.
[09:50] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): I believe Gentle has another announcement
[09:50] Gentle Heron: Very quickly. For those who attended the intro session, Elric Anatine will do an advanced use of Dragon NaturallySpeaking Saturday at 2pm SLT. IM me for details if interested. (done)
[09:50] Chimera Cosmos: It brings people together, just like NPC does. Keeping those interactions going is so important.
[09:50] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): nice thanks
[09:51] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): ok we should close the meeting for today then.
[09:51] Rhiannon Chatnoir: yes there are a myriad of amazing communities here in SL, and some of those crossover into other platforms.. lots to learn and share all around
[09:51] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Thanks everyone for coming. Thanks especially for Paulette from FCVW and those of you who wre there to share your insights.
[09:52] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): We'll post the transcxript from thismeeting to soon.
[09:52] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Incase you missed anything.
[09:52] Robo Mirabella: thanks - wonderfl session!!
[09:52] Buffy Beale: thanks Rik and all
[09:52] Thynka Little: Thanks Rik
[09:52] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): thanks Rik
[09:52] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): We're done here . Have a great friday folks
[09:52] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Mentors meeting soon to follow.


Many thanks to Brownrice Internet for hosting the NPSL site.