Ideas needed for Non-profit track at SLCC 08

At the last Non Profit Commons meeting, Rhiannon, Glitteractica and I announced that the program for the 2008 Second Life Community Convention is being organized now, and that if there is to be a non-profit presence that we need to get in a Request for Proposals (RFP) very quickly. SLCC08 is scheduled for September 5-7 in Tampa, Florida.

We would like to strongly encourage groups to indicate their interest in organizing specific sessions or talks on different subject matter at SLCC. You don't have to commit to being there (yet), but just indicate your interest in the subject area. Head to the wiki page here and put in your ideas.

The deadline has been extended for RFPs by the SLCC committee, but time is still very short.

Also, if you have ideas and suggestions for possible sponsors and financial supporters of non-profit activity at SLCC, please put it up on the wiki page as well.

Thanks so much for your contributions!


slcc 08

This is my first visit to this site and I hope the first of many. Im particularly interested in non-profit activities inworld, both personally and as the Director General of the Virtual Intellectual Property Organization, a virtual legal service group committed to providing access to specialized legal services in the areas of intellectual property and trade. We are seeking 501c3 status. Our message is that not only legal entities and corporations should benefit from the knowledge of how to manage and add value to intellectual property, and that years of international cooperation and efforts to standardize these property rights is a legacy for all of humanity. We would be happy to be a part of the conference if we are welcome. Visit us in world on the third floor of the west wing of the Justice Center or online at


Many thanks to Brownrice Internet for hosting the NPSL site.