Teens create Second Life PSAs on obesity, piracy, intolerance

(Also posted on Rikomatic.com) Youth non-profit Global Kids announces that five teams of teenagers has completed 30-second Public Service Announcements created in Second Life.  The PSAs cover a range of issues including obesity, media literacy, piracy, discrimination and safe surfing on the net. It's great seeing young people using Second Life to put out positive social messages.

(I blogged previously about other machinima for good.)


I think its great that there

I think its great that there have been PSA's on these subjects especially on obesity since it is becoming more of a problem with younger and younger children not only here in America, but world wide. People are looking for eating disorder treatments as their way to deal with being over weight when, dieting, and a little will power can go a long way. Motivation is the key to beating obesity in my opinion.


Many thanks to Brownrice Internet for hosting the NPSL site.